Corporate Social Responsibility for Flood Mitigation in Malaysia
Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR Risk Management, Environmental Uncertainty, Flood MitigationSynopsis
The idea of this book originated from my research work on floods in Malaysia after the country faced a flood disaster in 2014, which was one of the worst floods in decades. During this period, I felt there was need to know how the corporate sector in Malaysia contributes to the efforts to mitigate floods in Malaysia, as this is one of the major natural disasters which Malaysians face every year. This book writeup spanned for over seven years, where we collected data from various secondary sources and in-depth interview with many of the stakeholders involved in handling floods in Malaysia. The main purpose of this book is to provide an overview on the efforts towards flood mitigation from the Malaysian listed companies. The book contains analysis about the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts from more than 900 companies which was listed in Bursa Malaysia in 2014-2015. Many of the findings and recommendations presented in this book is suitable to the contemporary research work in CSR. The book begins with the introduction to disaster management and CSR in the chapter 1. Chapter 2 presents the literature review of the research in the field of disaster management in Malaysia. In Chapter 3, we explain about the methodology used for this research and gives an idea to the readers on how this study was conducted. Finally, Chapter 4, 5 and 6 summarizes the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of this study. This book will give an insight into how Malaysia’s listed companies can contribute to mitigating the flood disaster.
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