STRATEGIC CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: A Paradigm Shift in the Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR, GLCs, Corporate Social Responsibility, Government-Linked Companies, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Competitive Advantage, Stakeholders, Shareholder Value, CSR Risk Management, Covid-19, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Corporate Governance, Organizational Resilience, Financial Performance, Financial Volatility, Innovation, Financial Constraints, Environmental Uncertainty, Responsible Marketing, Brand Sustainability, Patriotism, Employee Rights Management, Employee Satisfaction, Manufacturing CompanySynopsis
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a concept has evolved over time. Ever since the idea of CSR was introduced by Howard R. Bowen, this field has been of keen interest to researchers around the globe. The idea has evolved, and currently, CSR has become a strategic decision contributing to the organization's success. This research book introduces different aspects of strategic CSR research. Researchers from other countries have contributed to this book with a different perspective on research, which is an outcome of their comprehensive research work. The book introduces various facets of CSR, and the chapters discuss the findings of research studies on CSR development in Malaysia, CSR and risk management, the impact of CSR on organizational resilience, the impact of CSR on shareholder value, the impact of CSR on financial performance, and the impact of CSR on corporate governance. This book will give an insight into the paradigm shift in the approach to CSR.
STRATEGIC CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYA Paradigm Shift in the Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
An Introduction of CSR Development in Malaysia
Impact of CSR Disclosure on Shareholder Value
Strategic CSR – A Multidimensional View
The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Governance:Theoretical and Conceptual Perspectives
Impact of CSR on Organizational Resilience: Mediating Role of Innovation
The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Performance through Financial Constraints
The Impact of CSR on Consumer Behavior and Moderating Role of Patriotism:A Case on Chinese Sportswear
Employee Rights Management in Accordance to Corporate Social Responsibility and its Implication in the Manufacturing Industry
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